Thursday, May 17, 2007

Water Polo - Where Do You Play?

My name is Rick Eoff. I play masters water polo for Central Valley Water Polo Club. We train at Sunnyside High School in Fresno, CA. We practice Tuesday and Thursday nights 7:00 - 9:00 pm. from January to June.


Chris Fisher said...

Rick...I can't wait to hear your story. I couldn't believe what I heard from this parent. At first I thought he was kidding.

I might need you to pull my head up from the water after that test. the weight of 'blowing it' has me headed for the bottom of the pool...

Incidentally, i am interested in putting my son in water sports. this year he will do competitive swiming thru CUSD (i think). I might pick your brain for thoughts and suggestions.

Scott Sailor, EdD ATC said...

I am amazed that you can get in the pool only two nights a week. Every swim coach I have ever worked with had a theory that the athletes could not be out of the water more than 24 hours. I think they all thought the swimmer's gills would dry out. Take care.

Coach G said...

Chris, I can almost participate in the majority of the sports available. Unfortunately I have a really hard time with swimming. I have tried numerous times to learn but I haven't really been able to learn. I can swim about 50 meters and then I begin to sink. I have ultimate respect for you. Keep your head up.

Shawn Gilbert said...

water polo great sport. My brother in law plays masters water polo also. He plays up in saratoga area. Their team has been to the world championships ( I think it was world, does that sound right?) a few times or was it nationals? I'm not sure but supposedly they are pretty good. We just started a water polo team at FPU, did you here that?